Week 8 – Exploring the pelvis

This week we began to work and focus around using the pelvis and how we connect with each other through this point of contact. Firstly we connected over pelvis through tucking around our partners and rocking from side to side. I found this helped the connectivity not just through this movement but as we proceeded on I seemed to find my pelvis a lot more than I used to. Experimenting with new ways to come in and out of this to create new positions and movements. I also found this rocking sensation to be a good swing of momentum to push into new material and movement gilding in and out and it gives a good lead into interesting positions. Another positon of working with the pelvis is in an upwards table top seeing where the tailbone can be placed to where the body can roll and if we can rise up into seating. I found I needed to engage my core in order to get my body around it different potions and to experiment more, if the core wasn’t engaged the body would flop and the movement becomes restricted.
To continue, we looked at working around frames seeing which frames worked in order to create new places of lifting and weight taking. I found his challenging too do with my partner as I think not just me but others have become habitual with the frames we are comfortable and used to doing. Although some of this felt habitual you can sense just how much everyone is trusting each other to catch them and develop into new experimental phrases and lifts. It’s nice to watch and see how confidence has grown not just in myself but others, I feel like there is a lot more braveness and compared to week one everyone is a lot more daring knowing others will catch and support them throughout.
Contact jam
During this week’s contact jam I found that I was in the jam a lot of the time and I was really focusing on new ways to move my body not just with a partner but by myself as well. I found that I came up with new experimental ways that I hadn’t felt in my body yet. At one point I was improvising with Natasha and we both went into upwards table top whilst one was the base and the others head rested on the pelvis. This had never happened before and something about it really intrigued me and I felt like we could really experiment and see how far we could take this, it was exciting to figure out how were we going to get out this and what the next move was going to be.

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